1978 Pontiac Firebird Week 2009 01 11

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Projects for Week 2009 01 11

This weekend’s projects:
Routing of the batter cables and fuel line
Removal of the clutch pedal
Positioning of the driver’s seat

Show starts at 9:00.  Don’t be late or you’ll miss out on a good time.  Advanced notice will get you more to eat.

I enlisted the efforts of all the members of Rochester Street Rods and Finger Lakes Classic Chevrolet clubs.. We had Tom Deyle.

All are welcome Saturday mornings 9 to Whenever


We set the seat in place and paced it out for me. It will be bolted to the floor with no adjustment (only one very tall drive will fit). I will make a bracket for the bottom of the seat and another for the floor. I will then weld in a wedge to span the gap to get the correct angle.
The roll bar will have to be modified so that complies with the rules. I will be looking into how to do that tomorrow.
The positive cable has been run from the rear to the front. This was not an easy task. You would think there would be all kinds of room , but where the latter bars fasten to the sub frame connecter is a very busy area under the car and it was not easy to find a path for the cable. There is not enough room to run the fuel line next to the cable so it will have to be run up the passenger side.
  We did not make much progress on this as the coordinator of the task did not get enough line. We did get the first 72 inches run towards the front of the car.
Engine work continues to see the entire story on the engine work click here.
PC220003_small Jim Hand’s book on “How to Build Max-Performance Pontiac V-8s, along with Matt Shaft of Pro-Formance suggested that flow was the big problem with Pontiac engines and to help that the combustion chamber has been modified to help the flow around the intake valve.
The block has ben line boared
PC220008_small  PC220009_small
Cylinders have been honed
The cam has arrived these are the specs