1978 Pontiac Firebird Week 2010 01 09


This Saturday, we had another meeting of the Car Nuts. In attendance was Tom Deyle, Lenny Ball, Frank Serafine, Ken Long, and Don Goodman.

This is what took place. The following items were installed:
    Neutral safety switch problem solved
     Dash was removed and reinstalled
     Car was rewired for HEI and the MSD box removed
     The engine was flushed and antifreeze installed.

We also had a single elimination competition with the practice tree. Tom Deyle came out on top and took home $10.00.

There will be a car nuts meeting this coming Saturday to finish the car up for sale. Items remaining install new starter, install new carburetor fuel lines, general cleaning, check all fluid

First up was flushing all that bad stuff out of the cooling system and putting in nice new Preston Antifreeze  P1090024_small
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 P1090016_small Next was typical Lenny Ball shenanigans.
The shifter was removed and it was discovered that the wires for the nuteral safety lockout on the starter had come off when it was installed. This has been corrected and it now works.
 P1090005_small  P1090012_small
The dash was removed and the wiring was updated to have the car run on an HEI disturber.
 P1090011_small  P1090014_small
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 My feeling is that we should be able to finish the car up this coming weekend and that I will be able to list it on JacingJunk next weekend. The tubes for the FED are being bent and it should go into the jig next week. Roo Man has requested that I come out in a week and half to start the fitting process